Shravan Utsav
Held in the Shravan month of the Hindu calendar. Several pujas are being offered during this Utsav. The main attraction is the continuous bhajan singing which takes place all round the clock through the entire Shravan month.
Mahashivratri Utsav
Held in the Magh month of the Hindu Calendar usually in the month of February/ March. It is a festival of seven days. On the Mahashivrathri day which falls on 29 th day of Magh month there are grand celebrations. The events are Anjuarpana, Dhwajarohana, Vahana Sevas to God amd Goddess. Lingodhbhavakala, Maharudhabhisekam to God, Pagalanakarana, Kalyanaothsavam and Radhothsavamas.
Ugadi Utsav
The celebration starts 3 days before the Ugadi Day, the new year day for the people from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, which falls mostly during the month of March or April. It lasts for the period of 5 days with lot of pilgrims from neighbouring states attending the festival.
Dasara Celebrations
Held in the Asvina month of the Hindu Calendar usually in the month of September/ Ocrober. It is a festival of nine days. In this festival Goddess Bhramaramba Devi is worshipped. The events are Chandiyagam, Rudrayagam, Navadurga alankaras to Goddess and Vahana Sevas to God and Goddess.
Kumbhothsavam is held in month day of Chaitram, the beginning month of Hindu Calendar. It is the most important festival at Srisailam temple and is dedicated to Goddess Bhramaramba Devi.
6.00 am to 3.30 pm & 6.00pm to 10.00pm
Daily Puja schedule are as follows:
4.30 am Mangalavadyams
5.00 am Suprabhatam
5.15 am Pratahkalapuja, Gopuja and Maha Mangala Aarthi
6.30 am-1.00 pm Darshanam, Abhishekam and Archanas by the devotees
1.00 pm Alankara Puja
4.30 pm Mangalavadyams
4.50 pm Pradoshakalapuja
5.20 pm Susandhyam and Maha Mangala Aarthi
5.50 pm Rajopachara puja to Bhramaramba Devi
6.20 pm Darshanam, Abhishekam and Archanas.
9.00 pm Dharna Darshanam
9.30 pm Ekantha Seva
10.00 pm Closure of the temple
Note: On Mondays the Suprabhatam starts at 4.00 am, Aarthi at 5.00 am, Darshanam and Abhishekam at 5.30 am
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